Decennial Monument

The tallest and largest structure ever built in Zaqistan, the Monument commerates 10 years of independence. Erected in September of 2015 by Zaqistani citizens.







Zaqistan Port of Entry

Serves as Passport Control, Customs and Immigration for visiting foriegn nationals and Zaqistani citizens. The "Welcome to Zaqistan" sign is the most prominent example of the Zaqistan signage project of 2010.





Victory Arch

Victory Arch is a monument to an unspecified victory. The Arch was erected in 2009.







Mt. Insurmountable

The highest point in Zaqistan. Zaq Landsberg planted a flag upon this peak when he first arrived at the land in 2005. It offered the first unobstructed sweeping views of Zaqistan.









The Guardians of Zaqistan

The Guardians of Zaqistan were constructed and installed in Zaqistan in 2006. To this day they steadfastly protect Zaqistan's borders from intruders.






Zaqistan Tourism Office

2016 kicked off the Year of Tourism and the Zaqistan Tourism Office opened at CUAC (Central Utah Arts Center) in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. The Office arranged a guided tour of Zaqistan, distributed brochures, sold souvenirs, displayed artifacts and issued passports and citizenship documents. Representative Mike Abu shown manning the merch station.




Guided Tour of Zaqistan 2016

photos by Garrett Martin